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Classic Church Planter 


  • The Classic Church Planter Program's fee is grant-funded and partner-supplemented and if qualified offered at no cost to you.


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Description of a ClassicChurch Planter:

  • Minister moves to the identified community to start a church from scratch.


  • Led by a licensed minister and accountable to an oversite team.


  • The church aspires to be autonomous while remaining a part of the parent-sending organization.


  • The ultimate goal is to be self-supporting, self-governing, and self-reproducing.

What we offer you:​

  •  Provide the skills, structure, and guidance necessary to assess your mission field.


  •  Interpret community assessment data to bring clarity and contextualization to your mission field.


  •  Identify your target audience, stakeholders, partnerships, and service opportunities.


  •  Work as a collaborative team to create a strategic plan incorporating service opportunities, cultivating community stakeholders, and fostering partnerships.


  • Continue to walk with you throughout the evangelism process providing guidance, training, and skills necessary to reach your mission field.


  • Ensure financial sustainability by creating "out of the box" funding strategies:  leverage successful service projects with partnerships inside and outside your mission field to obtain financial support from both traditional and non-traditional sources.

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